Business Law Library Thank you for purchasing Business Law Library! We hope you find it to be an excellent investment and tremendous value. If you experience any problems with any of the Business Law Library CD-ROM programs, please refer to this document for helpful suggestions. Contents -------- Upgrading From An Earlier Version Program Functions If You Experience Video Display Problems How to Improve Your Video Display System Requirements Compatibility Upgrading From An Earlier Version: ---------------------------------- If you already have an older version of Business Law Library installed on your computer, you'll need to take an extra step to ensure that the new version works properly. Windows 3.1: Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. Choose the Run option in the Program Manager's File Menu. In the command line box type "D:\SETUP UPDATE" where "D:" is the letter of your CD-ROM drive. Then press the Enter key. Windows 95: Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. Click the "Start" button, then choose the Run option. In the command line box type "D:\SETUP UPDATE" where "D:" is the letter of your CD-ROM drive. Then press the Enter key. By including the word "UPDATE" after the word "SETUP", you are telling the Setup program to be sure to update some files that were left over by the older version. IMPORTANT NOTE: This only needs to be done one time! You do --------------- NOT need to follow this procedure for each CD in the set. Simply perform the above steps for one CD (it does not matter which one). It won't hurt anything if you do it more than once, but it is not necessary. Program Functions: ------------------ Entering data: Enter your name and information the same way each time you use the program because Business Law Library remembers the last items of information you enter under your name. For example, if you enter "Robert", and at a later time enter "Bob", the program will read this as two different people. The name you enter will be used throughout the program. If your associates also use the program, each should enter his or her name when they start the program or by selecting the "File" menu, "Update User Information". Alternatively, each person can use the same name (such as the name of the business) to ensure that the values last entered in response to questions, are remembered no matter which person uses the program the next time. If you don't answer a question, that field will be replaced with a blank line in the printed form. Printing or Saving: If you want to save a file and edit it in a word processing program, then click the save button. Open your word processing program and select .RTF (Rich Text Format) files. Your file will be stored in the "DOCUMENT" directory, beneath the the location you selected when you installed the Business Law Library. For instance, the default installation destination would place your saved documents in the following folder or subdirectory: "C:\Sofsource\Business Law Library\Document" Help: Each CD-ROM in the Business Law Library offers a comprehensive glossary of legal terms, written in understandable language. To access this glossary, select the Glossary of Legal Terms from the Help menu. Select the term you want from the list. Statutes, Laws, and Rules: The Help menu offers a selection of laws and rules governing various topics. To read or print these documents, select "Statutes, Laws, and Rules" from the Help menu. Select the law you want to display from the list. Helpful Organizations: The Help menu contains lists of organizations that offer information, assistance, and services on the topics included in Business Law Library. If you need more information or other help regarding a specific topic, contact one of the organizations listed or consult your local telephone directory. If You Experience Video Display Problems: ----------------------------------------- Business Law Library will adapt itself automatically to most video display resolutions, so long as your video driver is set to at least 256-colors (or higher). If your video driver is set to something less than 256-colors, then please refer to "How to Improve Your Video Display" (below) for instructions on changing your video driver settings. How to Improve Your Video Display: ---------------------------------- Video displays are a very flexible part of today's modern systems. They are flexible because you are able to change or modify the way your screen looks. Of course, having choices often makes something seem more complicated. Don't worry, changing video display settings is a fairly simple process. In fact, the hardest part is deciding what you want the new settings to be. The following suggestions and recommendations will help to make the decision easier. The first step is to choose what video settings you wish to use. This normally involves a trade-off or balance between the best looking display and the most efficient use of available memory. For most situations, we recommend that you select 800x600 with 256-Colors. The more colors available, the better the screen will look, but more colors also use more memory. If your computer has less than 12-Mb of memory, then we recommend that you stick with 256-Colors only. If your computer has more than 12-Mb of memory, then feel free to select a setting that provides even more colors. Another consideration is how small you want text and icons to appear. Generally, as you increase the number of dots or "pixels" on the screen, things will look smaller and smaller. For instance, at 800x600, text will look smaller than it does at 640x480. Of course, you can also fit more on the screen at the same time, which is exactly what most people want. Most video drivers give you some flexibility, so you can fit more on your screen, without making things too small to see clearly. They make this available by giving you a choice of "Large Fonts" or "Small Fonts", or they might call it "Large System Resources" or "Small System Resources". Typically, this choice is only available when the driver is set to at least 800x600 (not at 640x480). We always recommend "Large Fonts" or "Large System Resources" because it makes things much easier to see and use. Business Law Library was designed to look its best in 800x600 with "Large Fonts" or "Large System Resources", and 256-Colors or more. Once you have chosen the settings you wish to use. Follow the instructions below to actually change your system settings. There are two procedures, one for people using Windows 95, and another for people using Windows 3.1. Changing Video Setting, Windows 95: For computers running Windows 95 only. Click on (press and release the left mouse button) the "Start" menu button, scroll up to "Settings", which will open a sub- menu, click on "Control Panel". When "Control Panel" opens look for an item called "Display" and double-click on "Display". After you double-click on "Display" you will see a series of notebook pages with little tabs on top. Click your mouse on the notebook tab called "Settings". Here you will be able to change your video display settings. The "Color Palette" section enables you to choose the number of colors you wish to display. We recommend 256-Colors. If you wish to choose more colors, we recommend that you do so only if your computer has more than 12Mb of memory. The "Font Size" section enables you to choose large or small fonts. We recommend "Large Fonts" for the most readable display. The "Desktop Area" (and optional "Viewport Area") is where you select the video size you wish to use. If both areas are present, then both areas should be set to the same numbers. We recommend 800x600. This will give you a good overall balance between appearance and efficient use of your computer's memory. Remember, higher numbers mean that more memory will be used. After you make your selections, click on the "OK" button to instruct Windows to make the changes. At this point, your screen will blank temporarily, then will reappear using the new settings. A pop up message will ask you if you wish to keep the new settings, click "Yes". If you changed the font size (Large Fonts or Small Fonts), then you will need to restart Windows before the changes take effect. Simply click "Yes" when it asks you if you want to restart Windows now. That's all there is to it! Changing Video Settings, Windows 3.1: For computers running Windows 3.1 only. Windows 3.1 is a bit more primitive than Windows 95 when it comes to changing video settings. Windows 3.1 will always restart before the new settings take effect. In the Program Manager, double-click on the "Main" program group. When it opens, double-click on the "Setup" or "Windows Setup" icon. When the Windows Setup window opens, click on the "Options" menu, then click "Change System Settings". When the "Change System Settings" window opens, you will see a choice called "Display". The current settings are shown. Pay close attention to the current settings, because they will tell you what kind of video display card you have. For instance, it might say "Super VGA" or "Stealth VRAM" or something else. You should stick to the options for that particular video display adapter. In other words, if it says "Super VGA", for instance, then choose only from those options that start with "Super VGA". Select the setting you want. We recommend 800x600x256 (the third number is the number of colors). If you have a choice of Large or Small Fonts, we recommend Large Fonts. After you have made your selection, click on the "OK" button. The next message will ask you if you want to restart Windows now, select yes to restart Windows now. That's it! System Requirements: -------------------- This program requires Microsoft Windows, Windows 95 or Windows NT. Video Requirements: 256-Color or better CPU Requirements: 80386 or better The CD-ROM discs contain two versions of the program: a 16-Bit version and a 32-Bit version. The 16-Bit version requires Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher. The 32-Bit version requires Windows 95 or higher, or Windows NT 4.0 or higher. Memory Requirements: The memory requirements depend on which version you are using. The 16-bit version for Windows 3.1 requires at least 4-Mb of memory, with 8-Mb recommended. The 32-bit version for Windows 95 requires at least 8-Mb of memory, with 16-Mb recommended. This program will work with most common video display resolutions, including 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768, with video drivers set to either Large or Small Fonts (sometimes called Large or Small System Resources). Compatibility: -------------- This program has been tested with Microsoft Windows 3.1 and 3.11, Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and 3.11, Windows 95, Windows 95 with Service Pack 1, and Windows 95 OEM-SR2, and Windows NT 4.0. This program has been tested in the following video resolutions: 640x480 - 256-Color 800x600 and 1024x768 with the following color depths: 256-Colors (8-Bit) 32,768-Colors (15-Bit, HighColor) 65,536-Colors (16-Bit, HighColor) 16,777,216-Colors (24-Bit, TrueColor) 4,294,967,296-Colors (32-Bit, TrueColor with Alpha Channel)